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How To Treat Alcohol Addiction.

Alcohol addiction is a complicated illness that affects each person differently.  It can result in many medical complications and can also occur with other mental health and substance abuse disorders creating an increased risk for suicide.  People with alcohol addiction drink regularly and in large amounts and when it becomes severe are given the medical diagnosis of “alcohol use disorder” or AUD.  They develop a physical dependency over time.  When their bodies don’t have alcohol, they experience withdrawal symptoms.  There’s no clear cure for alcohol addiction.  Overcoming alcohol addiction can be a long process that requires both personal dedication and various treatments or therapies. The optimal treatment plan will depend on personal circumstances, including:

  • prior history of alcohol dependence
  • level of support from family and friends
  • personal commitment to becoming and remaining sober
  • financial situation

Seeking professional treatment for alcohol addiction is very necessary as quitting alcohol without any type of medical intervention can lead to severe withdrawal seizures and even death. The goal of treatment is to replace negative coping skills and patterns with positive cognitive behavioral skills and coping skills that work for the person. Like any substance abuse or mental health disorder, determining the treatment levels of care is necessary in order to provide the best care.  Levels of care range from residential treatment and partial hospitalization to intensive outpatient treatment and regular outpatient treatment.

Here at Divine Healthcare Services, Inc., we understand that what works for one person may not be successful for someone else. We also understand that the rehabilitation process may be longer for some clients than others. That is why we offer a variety of treatment options, ranging from individual counseling and therapy to group support sessions. If you’re ready to face your addiction, make an appointment with us!

COVID-19 is here. How is Divine Healthcare Services, Inc. operating?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought most economic and social activities to a defining low level or even to a halt.  For many, it has brought various level of stress to their live experience.  Some individuals must have been social substance users prior to the pandemic and may find themselves in aggravated positions of diagnosable disorder, and may be finding it difficult to reduce the substance use, or to stop using them.  Some individuals must have had a mild to moderate substance use disorder but experienced an increased level of use that may include withdrawal syndrome, cravings, and certain reactions to substances that they have never felt before.  Those who were in active substance abuse ended up pushing their addiction into overdrive. For those in recovery from an SUD, social isolation is a risk factor for relapse.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a dramatic increase in stress and substance use to many people, we want to reach out to help.  In these extraordinary times, people are going through different versions of difficulty, and anyone that is supportive will understand that extra help right now is a good thing.  The right thing to do is seek help and address the substance abuse problems.  Reaching out and engaging healthcare providers like us will help establish a new foundation of health that will lead to a better life.  There is no shame or blame to be found in struggling during these times.

We are here for you!  We hold ourselves to the highest standard of providing health care services to our patients.  We utilize guidelines from CDC and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to implement new procedures to help minimize the risk of exposure to our patients and staff.

We apply Telehealth as our treatment option during this crucial time.  This promotes the practice of social distancing to reduce spread – shifting visits and initial patient evaluation to a modality that does not require in-person and face-to-face interaction with our patients.  It reduces the likelihood of patients participating in activities/behaviors that could increase risk of exposure, such as use of public transportation to attend appointments, and also allows the monitoring of patients to identify potential and confirmed cases without person-to-person contact.